Picarro SI2103

The Picarro SI2103 Gas Concentration Analyzer delivers ultra-precise and stable measurements of ammonia (NH3) gas. The analyzer features a parts-per-trillion (ppt) lower limit of detection, and impressive stability with negligible drift over a full month of continuous operation


The Picarro analyzer is an ideal solution for applications that require real-time, responsive measurement of ammonia and/or high levels of sensitivity and stability. These include, but are not limited to, urban and atmospheric air quality monitoring, studies of particulate matter formation, livestock emission quantification, vehicle emission quantification, indoor air quality and others.

The analyzer has a small footprint, low power requirements, and can be unpacked and installed within minutes, whether in a laboratory or in the field. The SI2103 analyzer can operate for months without user interaction, and concentration trending data is continuously archived to the analyzer’s internal hard drive. The analyzer can be configured to automatically export measurement data via Ethernet, RS-232 interface, Analog 4-20mA or Modbus outputs.

Picarro’s cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) delivers a best-in-class combination of precision, accuracy, low drift, and ease-of-use.


Picarro SI2103 table


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